Taking time off from work and your usual routine is essential to protect your mental health, especially during a pandemic. Unfortunately, it is challenging to properly take a break in the comfort of your own home since your living space also functions as an office, a school, and a virtual meeting area these days. So what’s the best way for you to get away from your current work-home setup?

Although traveling to popular vacation spots is still highly restricted due to the COVID-19 threat, the good news is the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) recently allowed staycation hotels to operate at full capacity. That means you can now book a hotel in Pasay City or somewhere near you for a relaxing staycation.

If you decide to give your family that much-needed breather by staying in a hotel, be sure to remain vigilant against COVID-19. Keep in mind that mingling with strangers, eating in restaurants, and using common areas create opportunities for the virus to spread. As such, you should always observe the following safety precautions during your stay to protect yourself and others.

—Disinfect First

While The Department of Tourism (DOT) reminds hotels to follow health and safety protocols, especially proper cleaning and sanitation, it wouldn’t hurt to be extra careful yourself. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cleaning alone removes most virus particles on surfaces, thereby minimizing the risk of infection. As such, the first thing that you need to do as soon as you arrive at your room is to disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, tables, light switches, remote controls, phones, and faucets. You may use disinfecting wipes or spray for this purpose.

Also, make it a habit to carry a small alcohol bottle or disinfecting wipes so you can readily clean objects and surfaces before you touch them. For example, you may want to give the elevator panel a good wipe before pushing a button or the armrest of a chair at the hotel lobby before sitting down. Washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer every time you enter your hotel room is also a prudent practice.

—Wear a Mask

Coronavirus spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets. When someone with COVID-19 talks, coughs, or sneezes, they release these droplets containing the virus into the air and the people near them. Given the manner of transmission of the COVID-19 disease, it is best to wear a mask when leaving your hotel room since there is a great chance that you will come across other people.

Who knows? You might interact with hotel staff when asking for directions, share a space with other guests in dining areas and hotel lobbies, or run into someone in the stairwell. The face mask then can give you a layer of protection, especially if maintaining a safe distance from others is not possible. It is worth noting that DOT mandates the wearing of masks and strict observance of social distancing by all personnel and guests in the various hotel establishments in the country.

—Minimize the Use of Recreational Spaces

As much as possible, it is best to avoid recreational spaces, such as gyms, hot tubs, and lounging areas, where you might mingle with people outside your household. Again, you will significantly lessen the risk of getting infected if you limit your interaction with strangers.

That said, you may want to do your workouts in your room if you feel like exercising. You may also consider booking an in-room massage as it is much safer than visiting the hotel spa. Below are other “safe” staycation ideas that you may want to try if you are tired of spending your break watching movies and television shows:

  • Read a book
  • Do an indoor photoshoot
  • Play board games
  • Dance
  • Enjoy a bubble bath
  • Meditate

—Avoid Food Buffets

Although buffet service is one of the most exciting perks of hotel staycations, you better stay away from food buffets for now. Keep in mind that buffets and self-service stations tend to increase the risk of virus transmission because such setups encourage guests to be in close physical contact with others and share the same serving utensils.

Instead of taking the risk, it is best to order room service or call your favorite restaurant to deliver meals to your hotel. If it ever feels stuffy eating in your room, you may request the staff for an outdoor dining setting like in the garden or the pool area. However, it is advisable to remain in your room if other guests are joining you since it is always favorable to err on the side of caution.

—Take the Stairs Whenever Possible

Did you know that the coronavirus can linger in an elevator even after an infected individual has gotten off? A recent article published in the Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal shares how a severe COVID-19 outbreak in China emanated from one asymptomatic person who infected a neighbor when they used the same elevator in their apartment building, but not at the same time.

Considering the risk, you may want to take the stairs going to and from your hotel room whenever possible. If you have to use the elevator, try waiting for an empty cabin. When inside, disinfect elevator surfaces before touching them and never remove your mask or touch your face.

The safety pointers discussed above are just some of the most important things you need to keep in mind to significantly lessen the risk of getting exposed to the COVID-19 virus while enjoying your hotel staycation. Never let your guard down, as the pandemic is far from over. While it is essential to get all the rest and relaxation you need, the “new normal” dictates strict observance of health precautions to ensure your safety and everyone you love.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels


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