Tibiao Kawa Hot Bath is now being replicated all over the country but nothing beats the original. Experience it using this travel guide.
Malalison Island detailed budget travel guide and 2D1N itinerary perfect for solo travelers complete with all the info useful for your trip.
Antique has slowly made its presence felt recently that the once considered off-the-beaten path destination is now a tourist magnet. Explore it using this Budget Travel Guide.
Ever dream of seeing the Apo Whang Od and Buscalan Village? This comprehensive travel guide on a budget has everything you need from itinerary to some useful tips.
Have an adventure of a lifetime in Zamboanga, Basilan and Tawi Tawi. This travel guide complete with budget and other information will help you as you conquer your fears and brave the unknown.
A detailed Balabac Islands Travel Guide complete with budget, itinerary, travel essentials and useful tips perfect to plan your Balabac adventure.
A detailed travel guide to Fetam Klego 7 Falls and Underground River with information about fees, guide, ways to get there.
Kawil Falls is another hidden gem in the town of Kiamba in Sarangani Province. Explore it using this travel guide, complete with useful info and discover its beauty that’s not to be missed through our story.
A detailed guide complete with budget on what to expect when camping in Nalus Falls, Farm & Forest in Kiamba, Sarangani.
Ranao Falls is a stunning, hidden waterfall in the heart of South Upi, Maguindanao del Sur. This budget travel guide will help you explore it.
Bubuludtua Falls is a stunning gem located in the heart of Maguindanao del Norte. Experience this gem with the help of this travel guide on a budget, complete with useful tips.
Mindamora Falls or Limunsudan Falls is considered the 2nd highest waterfalls in the Philippines. Plan your trip here using this comprehensive budget travel guide.
Vietnam is one of the cultural havens of Southeast Asia. When you’re with friends, here are 10 Unique things to do in Vietnam that will surely make your visit fun and worthwhile.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is not the usual country to visit for theme parks but it surprisingly has the best ones in the world. This article has you covered.
Detailed travel guide on a budget on exploring Japan Tourist Attractions with useful tips and info for all types of travelers.
A list of the Top 8 must-see Tourist Destinations in Sri Lanka that first time visitors to the country shouldn’t miss.
If you’re even in Vietnam and are looking for off-the-beaten-track destinations complete with useful tips then this article is for you.
Guide and reasons to discovering Dubai’s futuristic landmarks, The Dubai Frame and Museum of the Future.

Hi! I’m Keza
I like to call myself a blabbermouth which I derived from my being chatty and my eagerness to speak my mind. I have this insatiable thirst for epic adventures and brand new discoveries which I fondly write about and share on this blog, A Wanderful Sole. My idea of a perfect morning is coffee and toast at the beach marveling at a spectacular sunrise or atop a mountain admiring the dreamy sea of clouds. Waterfalls are my first loves along with panoramic sunsets, chocolates and cats!
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