We know what it’s like when you first move into a new place and everything feels completely strange and out of sorts. You’ve built up a unique bond between you and your old place, and one of the biggest bonds was no doubt in the bedroom!

So, what do you do when it comes to not being able to sleep on the first night in a new place? Let’s look at a bunch of helpful pointers, shall we?

Get the pillows right

If you have just unpacked the bare essentials, make certain that pillows are included in the list.

As you’ll no doubt no from stays in hotels and at other people’s houses, no two pillows are alike. theSleepAdvisor.org note how bedroom furniture such as this, along with duvets and of course mattresses are very personal bedtime essentials that will help you sleep soundly on your first night in your new abode.

With this in mind, make sure that you don’t toss your pillows out and get brand-new ones to go with the new house, because you might not get on with them, and then you’ll be stuck with awkward, uncomfortable sleep until you find suitable replacements.

If you do have to buy new pillows, for whatever reason, remember your preferences, such as;

  •      Firmness
  •      Size
  •      Materials used  

This will help to make sleeping away from your old place that little bit more comforting.

Try sleep banking

This is one method that isn’t widely known, but when you give it a go and it works, this tip will stay with you forever. There’s a bonus tip here; sleep banking can be used before you go on holiday, or generally stay somewhere other than your own bed.

The only thing you have to do to achieve sleep banking goals is to ‘bank’ a further thirty minutes to an hour of sleep for a few nights leading up to and voila, you’ve put yourself in prime position to ward off any potential sleep deprivation that might be waiting to ruin your first night in your new pad.

Have your routine ready to recall

If you don’t have a bedtime routine, then start to get it together before you move into your new home. In fact, you might have something in place without even realising. For example, a basic night routine might just be a dimming of the lights, soaking in a warm bath and brushing your teeth.

It’s regular habits that will help to trigger the brain into recognising it’s bedtime. Stay away from artificial light that smart devices emit or you’ll find it even harder to drift off. As it’s your first night, things might be a little odd, but just try to keep as closely as possible to the routine and you’ll have sleep success!

Don’t forget sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene? Yes, it’s a thing. But it might not be what you are thinking it is.

Sleep hygiene is the process of blocking out as many as seven activities that need to be kept out of the bedroom and kept out of your daily habits too. These are as follows:

  •      Eating in bed
  •      Work while in bed
  •      Drinking caffeine after midday
  •     Watching TV in bed
  •      Watching TV an hour before bed
  •      Drinking alcohol when it’s close to your bedtime
  •      Eating a big meal and/or
  •      Not consuming sugary foods (natural or processed) in a two-hour timeframe prior to hitting the hay.

All of the above make up a list of proven sleep inhibitors, so you really do need to leave them out of the equation to help you find first night sound slumber.

Admittedly, some of you reading this might find it hard to leave out of your life, but if going totally cold turkey is too much for you, you can try wiping a couple of them out to make things a little easier to doze off and stay sleeping.

Use apps and accessories to help

It’s often the same of scenario whenever you try to sleep somewhere that isn’t your own recognised, familiar space; you lack that feeling of control. Sounds can be different, smells are unacquainted, the lighting is different, and your brain just isn’t ready to let its guard down.

However, you’re more than capable of taking back that control by using simple accessories to give you the upper hand. By this, we mean employing a sleep mask, earplugs, and a white noise app on your phone to assist you on your first night.

The effective trio of accessories we just mentioned are on hand to help you sleep just like you would in your previous bedroom. Don’t be afraid to try these techniques for more than one night if you need to, because sleep is paramount, after all!

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