Northern Blossoms detailed travel guide complete with budget, itinerary, and useful tips to help you in exploring this beautiful flower farm.
Mt. Ugo is one spectacular mountain that will show you myriads of breathtaking sights. Experience it through this Budget Hiking Guide.
Mt. Ulap is one charming mountain to stunning not to explore. If you are up to its challenge, here is a Budget Dayhike Guide complete with itinerary and other useful hiking info.
BASIC INFO Major jump-off: Ambangeg Ranger Station, Bokod, Benguet LLA: 16°34’58″N 120°53’15″E, 2922 MASL (#3) Days required / Hours to summit: 4-5 hours / 1-2 days Specs: Major Climb | Difficulty 3/9 | Trail class 1-2 Trail system: Grand Cordillera Trail, Section 3 Features: Sea of Clouds | Dwarf Bamboo Slopes | Mossy Oak Forest Mt.…
MEMORIALIZE is such a BIG word and we all know that BAGUIO is just 249 kilometers away from Metro Manila so most of us can always go back and forth to the city in a breeze. But for some people who lack the time, money and convenience to…
Going to Baguio? Here’s a detailed travel guide complete with a list of tourist spots, ways to go around the city and places to stay at.