We live in an era where everything can now be done in just a click of a button. Life is so simple that even shopping can now be done online with the emergence of so many online stores. No more traffic jam to drive to the mall. No more waiting until the mall opens just to be ahead of everyone else. No more feet beaten from walking one shop to the other trying to find the best deal. Now shopping is so easy that all you need is your credit card, laptop, a cup of coffee and a strong internet connection.

Not too long ago, I myself left the stone age and embraced every awesome thing about this digital world. I am a shopaholic myself. Other than looking for the best travel deals online, I spend a great time browsing for trendy travel outfits. Which is why it is safe to say that I could easily spot a good deal from a rip off. I know where to find the lowest plane seats or the lowest rates for a hotel. Other than getting a discount from your purchase, what if I tell you there is something so much better you can get from shopping online? Folks if you haven’t heard of it yet then allow me to introduce you to Shopback.

Shopback utilizes the cashback reward program which means that you get a portion of what you paid back. They also provide discount coupons for bigger savings. And the best thing is that they are partners with over 1000+ online shopping stores that range from travel, beauty, fashion and a whole lot more. And as if they haven’t made shopping easy enough, they even came up with a Shopback Extension. Allow me to tell you why you should have a Shopback Extension in your browser.

  • You Get Notified If A Store Has Cashback

Imagine all the money you would have gotten back from your online purchases! I know. I felt bad about it too. Could have booked me a flight or two should I’ve known about Shopback. Good thing now there’s Shopback Extension as it notifies me if the store I’m shopping on has cashback or not. Now no more missing on that cashback on my future online haul.

  • Discover Other Online Stores With Cashback

Just like me, I bet you have more than one store you’d love to shop on. Cause one is never enough, do you know that you can also discover stores with Cashback once you already have the Shopback Extension activated? This was true for me about Klook since I’m used to booking my travel activities with them. So I went to google my next travel adventure and to my absolute delight found that Klook also has 3% cashback. Amazing, isn’t it?

  • Get Discount Coupons And Voucher Codes For Other Items In The Store You Are Shopping On

Who doesn’t love discounts? Who doesn’t spend time and time again checking on that item until the price finally drops? I had. But now that I have Shopback Extension on my browser, spotting discounts has never been more simple. The Shopback Cashback Buddy actually list all the items that are on sale and discount coupons you can use to maximise your savings. If you don’t call that a shopaholic’s holy grail then I don’t know what is.

Wanna Have A Shopback Extension?

Installation of Shopback Extension is super easy and won’t take more than a minute of your time unless you have internet problems. To make it easy for you, here’s a link to Chromestore where you can download the app. Once you’re there, just follow these simple steps to complete your installation.

  1. Once at the chromestore, just click on the “Add Extension” button.
  2. Wait for the app to download.
  3. Once complete, a red button at the top right corner of your browser will appear.

We all wanna get the value of what we paid for. So much better when we get discounts that lets us save some bucks for more shopping. But Shopback has just taken online shopping to a whole new level. If you haven’t jumped into the craze yet then I highly recommend you get a Shopback Extension today. Until next time lovelies. Ciao!

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